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Friday, September 13, 2024
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Financial scandal in Europe: German company Wirecard in turmoil

The famous German payment company Wirecard is declared bankrupt following a financial and accounting scandal reporting a hole of 2.13 billion dollars in the...

They have doubled or multiplied their fortunes during the crisis: Who and how?

Preview(opens in a new tab) In his analysis published on Statista and Forbes, Niall McCarthy found that America's highest-ranking fortunes have gained 20% more since...

Hertz Global Holdings negotiates bankruptcy loan to improve its situation

According to the latest information relayed by some media, the car rental company Hertz is seeking to benefit from a bankruptcy loan to be...

Remote work and remote jobs: time to update Resumes

I wouldn’t say that the world is changing because it’s not new. The world is starting to take on its new shape faster than...

The salty bill of $ 1 million for a patient treated with COVID-19

According to the Seattle Times daily, an American man in his seventies was asked to settle a bill amounting to more than a million...